Where is the masterpiece? On the Art and Science of Programming

Many senior staff just don’t want to take them. Yeah, there are those guidelines and procedures. But these are really for the guys who don’t have any imagination, the ProMS guys, the HQ bureaucrats who never worked in the field, and our supervisees.

Programming is as much an art, as it is science – so they argue. The science part – problem trees, strategic choices, results frameworks, evaluations, management discussions, budgeting, and number crunching – is all fine and necessary. But real change for children, and real programme breakthroughs are made by senior leaders, when they have tea with the Minister and artfully negotiate policies and priorities.

So, if a major part of programming is art, where is the masterpiece?

We know there are cases of real genius, but can somebody send me the book of the Art of Programming? Which includes those glorious lessons? We all know that Arts need to be studied. Any successful painter looked at the old masters and studied how to mix colors. Any respectable pop star took singing lessons at the conservatory – and practices six months before releasing a new song. 

At least, on the science part, we are covered by the manual on programme policies and procedures. Its volume compares favorably with the book on traffic rules by the Department of Motor Vehicles, plus the owner’s manual of your new cellphone. And we all know who is out there driving and talking.

The PPP manual is the major thing you have to know to get the science of programming right. You’ll read it faster than you make your driver’s license. 

So, please, don’t invite me to exhibitions – i.e. send me programme reports – where neither art nor science is in evidence. And if in doubt, lets stick to the science part.

(14 March 2003)

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