The Sequel

The film-industry is bigger than the development industry. Hollywood knows what works. There are no Oscars for a UN agency, but we can’t afford to blow A-budgets on B-movies. Given the long production times, we need to think now about the titles of the sequels to our corporate plans. PFO needs to lobby for investments. DOC will do the marketing.

First, I thought we should go straight for the politically correct:

The Community-Based MTSP

I can already hear the talk about conceptual clarity and operational impossibility. It also doesn’t sound right. How about a rights-based epic:

Claims and Duties – the MTSP

Not bad. But will the audiences be able to follow the film in one sitting? Also, we need to build on past successes. Let’s borrow from the big screen:

MTSP II – the 5 Towers
MTSP III – the Return of the Queen

No, no, no. Too much theme park quality. Perhaps we should turn it into action packed sci-fi thrillers

The MTSP Reloaded
The MTSP Revolutions

This is cool. Revolutionary. Supply Division could provide special-issue sunshades to all staff with at least two Fives in their PERs; and also to all Representatives. UNICEF staff would be immediately recognized in UN meetings, and when fighting for children’s rights. One title, however, I wouldn’t like at all:

The MTSP – Mission Impossible MMVI

(2 July 2004)

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