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Astana old and new

Summary: Astana is considered among the coldest capitals in the world, and Winter is never a good time to visit. We had to go in December, and temperatures easily went below 25 degrees Celsius, during daytime. Astana sits in the flat steppe, exposed to the winds and temperatures.

Any outing needs t be carefully planned, so as not to expose oneself too much.

Fun in the cold

Astana hasn’t been the capital of Kazakhstan for too long, and most Kazakhs are proud of the monumental architecture of the new city. We think that old Astana – as much as there is to see of it – is equally worthwhile. We recommend to take a taxi from old to new town, at least in the cold season.

Maximum altitude: 369 meter
Minimum altitude: 322 meter
Cumulative height: 54  meter
Cumulative length: as much as you want 
Difficulty easy but beware of the cold in winter
Time: As much as you like
Date of this record December 2014
Download GPS info: Astana

General location and approach: Far away from everything

Other Information: Astana has all amenities

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Google Earth: You may also view the trail in 3D by clicking "view in Google Earth" when on Wikiloc. You need to have Google Earth installed on your computer.