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Crossing Rakshanit and the Subterranean
River Gorge
Summary: Maja e Rakshanit lies in the shadow of the big
four mountains near Tirana (Dajti, Brar, Gamnit and Kruja). Barely
topping 900 Meters, it does not seem to be a top destination. This
is wholy unjustified, as it makes for a wonderful outing, involving
a roundtrip, the most fantastic view of Kruja Mountain that is to be
had, and the geological marvel where huge rivers (huge during rainy
season) disappear underground. The hole where the river disappears
is on is eastern side - to reach it, you have to cross the mountain
or hike up through the canyon "with the subterranean river". The return trip leads through a steep
gorge, without the river which will resurface far away.
Rakshanit is a flat-topped mountain, which allows for long walks
(and bushwhacks). It has a very steep east face, whith paths hewn
into the rock. Not many visitors venture here.
The Drive:
Maximum altitude: | 492 meter |
Minimum altitude: | 35 meter |
Cumulative height: | 654 meter |
Cumulative length: | 15 kilometers |
Difficulty | easy |
Time: | almost 1.5 hours |
Date of this record | January 2012 |
Download GPS info: | To Brret and Rakshanit Trailhead |
The Hike:
Maximum altitude: | 930 meter |
Minimum altitude: | 325 meter |
Cumulative height: | 611 meter |
Cumulative length: | 10.63 kilometers |
Difficulty | moderate |
Time: | 4 hours |
Date of this record | January 2012 |
Download GPS info: | Maja e Rakshanit |
General location and approach: Maja e Rakshanit is the next mountain to the north of Kruja Mountain. We reached the Mountain from the Tirana-Shkoder Highway, which is probably fastest. Alternatively, one can drive to Kruja. The trail markings start at the main road in Kruja town.
Other Information: Maja e Rakshanit is flat-topped as Kruja Mountain, though has more vegetation. Several ways around the plateau are possible. WE are certain to have the identified the highest point, which is the most southern summit (google earth is identifying another point, probably because of the higher tree cover, or due to the fact that the actual summit is not very big. Vies to Kruja Mountain are absolutely stunning, especially when you had climbed Kruja before.
GPS and trailmaps: The map and trailinformation is generated by, based on GPS information collected from the actual hike. Waypoints can be downloaded to a GPS device from Wikiloc. If necessary, use GPSBabel to convert GPS data to different formats. For more hike descriptions by Palmtreetreeproduction, browse this website or visit Wikiloc and search for "Palmtreeproduction". You may also find nearby trails from other authors.
Google Earth: You may also view the trail in 3D by clicking "view in Google Earth" when on Wikiloc. You need to have Google Earth installed on your computer.
Images: Click the
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