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Rumija in Fog
Summary: Rumija is both a good drive and a good climb. Both are exciting in their own ways, and neither is particularly long or exhausting. Rumija is a very prominent mountain range, with the highest point around 1589 Meter. Views - if not shrouded in fog, must be marvelous, both towards Skader Lake and the Adriatic Sea. In trun, Rumija can be seen from far away - from the mountains around Tirana, from Velecikut, and of course Skodra, across the Lake.
The Drive:
Maximum altitude: | 977 meter |
Minimum altitude: | 17 meter |
Cumulative height: | 972 meter |
Cumulative length: | 12.87 kilometer roundtrip |
Difficulty | easy |
Time: | 45 minutes |
Date of this record | December 2011 |
Download GPS info: | 1000 Meter above Bar |
General location and approach: The trail starts at the roundabout on the Bar-Ulcinji road, where signposts lead you to Stari Bar. It is not easy to find the mountain road, so its worthwhile to pay attention to the GPS coordinates.
Other Information: The trail is asphalt, half of the way. This doesn't mean it's always easy. For some parts, its serious white-knuckle driving, as the road winds around the bends with sheer drops. There is also a spot where a narrow bridge is protected by some concrete posts - just wide enough to have our car get through, aided by the co-pilot to give directions. Luckily, this spot is close to Stari Bar, and there is no exposure. If you have a car that is wider than a Touareg, find some other start to the mountain road.
The Hike:
Maximum altitude: | 1589 meter |
Minimum altitude: | 977 meter |
Cumulative height: | 612 meter |
Cumulative length: | 2.05 kilometer one way |
Difficulty | moderate |
Time: | 2 hours |
Date of this record | December 2011 |
Download GPS info: | Rumija in Fog |
General location and approach: This is the "short"hike up Rumija, with a trailhead at a road leading from Stari Bar up the mountain. It is also possible to hike straight up from Stari Bar, though route finding might not always be that easy
Other information: The trail is relatively well sign-posted, and a path is well visible for most of the way. Up to the saddle, where the trail meets the Rumija range ridge, trail finding should not be a problem, even in foul weather. Once on the ridge, the trail becomes less clear. We followed the markings (red and white), which led up grassy slopes. On our return, we descended the ridge more directly, across some rocky patches, and found this better than the grassy slopes. If you pat attention, you will see the point where our route diverts from the sign-posted trail.
GPS and trailmaps: The map and trailinformation is generated by, based on GPS information collected from the actual hike. Waypoints can be downloaded to a GPS device from Wikiloc. If necessary, use GPSBabel to convert GPS data to different formats. For more hike descriptions by Palmtreetreeproduction, browse this website or visit Wikiloc and search for "Palmtreeproduction". You may also find nearby trails from other authors.
Google Earth: You may also view the trail in 3D by clicking "view in Google Earth" when on Wikiloc. You need to have Google Earth installed on your computer.
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